06.2024 - 07.2027
DFG funded individual research grant (HE8029/5-1):
The predictive coding account of schizophrenia: Dysfunctional interaction across linguistic levels (Volume own share: €227,000), PIs: Yifei He, Lars Meyer.
04.2021 - 04.2023
Cooperation research project funded by University Hospital Giessen-Marburg (UKGM):
The role of N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor (NMDAR) during sensory and semantic prediction in schizophrenia: a cross-sectional EEG investigation on brain oscillations. Volume: €116, 000, PI: Dr. Yifei He, Co-PI: Prof. Dr. Arne Nagels, Prof. Dr. Christoph Mulert.
04.2020 - 04.2022
DFG funded individual research grant (HE8029/2-1):
Multistage-integration during co-speech gesture integration: a systematic investigation combining EEG and fMRI (ca. €240,000), PI: Yifei He, Co-PI: Benjamin Straube.
04.2020 - 04.2022
Cooperation research project funded by University Hospital Giessen-Marburg (UKGM):
Developing and investigating the neurobiological basis for social-cognitive intervention programme for patients with schizophrenia (ca. €104,000), PI: Florian Bitsch, Co-PI: Yifei He, Benjamin Straube.